German Potato Cake Recipe:
Also Known As a Sandtorte

This rich tasting potato cake recipe is popular in Germany, where it’s known as a Sandtorte.

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It’s similar to pound cake in that the butter, sugar and flour (in this case potato flour, which makes it gluten free) weigh roughly the same as the eggs. But its preparation is different.

The butter is clarified, then beaten a long time to produce a very light cake. It is made with potato flour, which contributes to its sand-like texture.

Potato Cake Recipe:
The German Sandtorte, or Sandcake

Be sure to use potato flour, which is made from whole potatoes, and not potato starch. And be sure it’s ground finely: I’ve seen some potato flour on the market that is more course.

German Potato Cake: The Sandtorte
Makes one loaf: serves 6-8

  • ⅔ C butter

  • ⅔ C sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 3 egg yolks

  • 1 T rum
  • ½ t lemon zest

  • ⅔ C potato flour
  • ¼ t baking powder

  • 2 egg whites

  • Powdered sugar for the top

Preheat oven to 325ºF. Grease a loaf pan and dust with potato flour.

Melt the butter, carefully so it doesn’t brown, then slowly pour off the clear butter into a small mixing bowl, leaving the sediment behind. Let it cool.

When it starts to solidify, set the bowl of clarified butter on a bed of ice cubes and beat for 10 minutes with an electric beater, or 20 minutes by hand–until it’s very thick and almost white.

Transfer to a large bowl and beat in the sugar, egg and egg yolks a little at a time, then beat another 15 minutes. Slowly add the rum as you continue beating, then the zest.

Sift the potato flour and baking powder together and fold half into the egg and butter mixture.

Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into above, alternating with the remaining potato flour.

Pour into pan and smooth top.

Bake for 1 hour, until it comes away from the sides of the pan.

Remove from pan and cool on a wire rack.

Dust with powdered sugar.

This stays fresh for up to a week. Enjoy!

I adapted this recipe from the fascinating book: Traditional Cakes and Pastries by Barbara Maher, (Shooting Star Press). Barbara has another wonderful book on cakes that includes some great gluten free, flourless cake recipes: Ultimate Cake, (DK Living).

Ingredient Tip:

When buying potato flour for this potato cake recipe, be sure to get flour made from whole potatoes,
not potato starch. It’s available from Bob's Red Mill.

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