Creator and Designer of
Gluten Free Around The World.com
Writer and Chief Baker
Hi, I'm Pat, and I'm the creator and designer of Gluten Free Around The World.com. I'm responsible for all the content, except of course content written by visitors through the Forums and the Recipe Exchange.
I was looking for something to do after retiring from working at Stanford University... something I could do where I could share something I love with others.
While I was trying to decide, I was pouring through recipes and cookbooks I have collected over the years, pulling out all the gluten free recipes I've collected from around the world. Recipes and ideas that to me are treasures, that I have sought out ever since finding out I was gluten intolerant...25 years ago.
Traditional foods are what have made living gluten free not only tolerable—but enjoyable, interesting, and fun!
Fortunately I have a husband who is a creative cook, and we've cultivated a sense of culinary adventure—we've been traveling the world in our own kitchen.
At some point it occurred to me that if I enjoy these foods so much, and if they have made my life so much better, maybe you would be happy to have this resource, and I could have fun putting it together for you. And maybe you would be happy to share traditional foods you have gathered, too.
So I've put together this website and blog so we can not only share the world's culinary treasures, but maybe together we can also preserve some of the traditional recipes our grandmothers made.
I've now built this site into a growing business. Thanks SBI!
Photographer, Editor, Chief Cook and Gardener
Steve is the photographer for Gluten Free Around The World, and the chief cook...
As a bonus he also grows most of our vegetables. So our meals are not only gluten free, but they are traditional in the sense that a lot of our food is fresh from the garden.
Steve is also the creator of Grow-It-Organically.com, our sister site. I am assistant gardener, designer and editor.
We really hope you enjoy Gluten Free Around The World.com
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