Gluten-Free Recipes From
Around The World:
Why Not Explore A Little?

Gluten-free recipes start to get interesting once you look beyond trying to duplicate your old favorites. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but occasionally it’s fun to jazz it up a bit and try something new.

Shrimp Tacos Almond Cake Mexican Tortilla Soup Italian Almond Cookies

Skip down to list of recipes.

When it comes to sharing gluten free meals with others, people, especially kids, are a lot more accepting if they don’t feel like they’re being asked to eat something weird. It’s also a lot easier, more fun, and a lot more comfortable for the person who’s gluten intolerant if everybody is eating the same thing.

So to compliment your list of old favorites I’ve brought together ideas for traditional foods from around the world that are already gluten free.

From peasant food to food for royalty, there has always been an amazing variety of recipes without gluten that are bound to have something that will satisfy even your pickiest eater.

I have lots of recipes I’ll be posting, but why wait? To get a jump start, get my free e-book of easy gluten free recipes when you sign up for my e-zine.

Gluten-Free Recipes

Here is a list of the recipes I’ve posted so far, and I will update this page as I add more. These are great recipes for Celiac Disease, or any kind of gluten sensitivity, but will be loved by all!


Almond Cake (Spain)

Garbanzo Cake (Mexico)

Potato Cake, Sandtorte (Germany)

Carrot Cake (Switzerland)

Almond Cake Recipe
Lemon Almond Cake
Click image to enlarge.


Italian Almond Cookies

Coconut Quindins (Brazil)

Zimtsterne (Switzerland)

Gluten Free Christmas Cookies

More Gluten Free Cookie Recipes

 Italian Almond Cookies:<br/>Brutti Ma Buoni
Italian Almond Cookies:
Brutti Ma Buoni

Click image to enlarge.


Tortilla Española (Spain)

Mexican Taco Recipes

Mexican Tortilla Soup

Porotos Granados (Chile)

Tortilla Española
Tortilla Española
Click image to enlarge.

Side Dishes

Mexican Rice Recipe

Pap (South Africa)

Bolo de Milho (Brazil)

Mexican Rice
Mexican Rice
Click image to enlarge.


Dosa Recipe (India)

Dosa Recipe
Pattu Dosa
Click image to enlarge.

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