An Easy Coconut Cookie Recipe
From Brazil: Coconut Quindins

This delicious coconut cookie recipe is typical of desserts you’ll find in Brazil.

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Because it’s very sweet, and the size of a muffin. But the cookies can be made smaller, and less sweet to suit your taste.

These macaroon-like cookies are the kind you’ll want to serve right away, as the large quantity of egg yolk combines with the sugar to form a mouthwatering jelly-like topping.

If you use white sugar they will be sun-shiny yellow on top. If brown sugar is used they will be golden brown but tastier.

A Mouth-Watering Coconut Cookie Recipe

If you try these flourless cookies, please let us know how they came out.

Coconut Quindins: A Favorite Cookie in Brazil
Makes 12 muffin-sized cookies.

  • ¾ cup packed brown sugar, or white sugar
  • 1 T unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 1 C packed grated coconut, fresh if possible

  • 5 large egg yolks

  • 1 large egg white, beaten until stiff with a pinch of salt.

Preheat oven to 350ºF.

Grease a large muffin tin for 12 cookies.

Mix sugar, butter and coconut in a medium size bowl.

Beat in the egg yolks one at a time.

Gently fold in the beaten egg white.

Divide into the muffin tin.

Place the muffin tin inside a larger baking pan and fill the larger pan with an inch of boiling water.

Bake at 350º for 35 minutes until firm.

I adapted this recipe from a wonderful cookbook: Tasting Brazil , by Jessica B. Harris.

Ingredient Tip:

If you want that authentic taste of fresh coconut, it turns out there are many methods for cracking a coconut. The only one I’ve ever known about was using a clean nail to make holes in the eyes and drain it, then taking a hammer to it to crack it open. But that’s way easier said than done, and potentially hazardous.

After reading these tips, I’m hoping the next time will be a lot easier! I wouldn’t advise trying the one in the oven though. And no matter how you crack it, be sure to use eye protection and keep kids out of the way of flying shards, just in case.

Tool Tip:

To grate a fresh coconut, you can use a food processor with the grater attachment. If you’d rather grate by hand, and not kill yourself doing it, I’m really fond of the graters made by a company called Microplane. They have the sharpest graters that make short work of the job.

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